1.2.0 - Profile Translation Analysis


The main feature in CRUCS 1.2.0 is the addition of the Analysis menu. This allows you to define temperature ranges of interest and compare data from multiple layers within each defined range. Profile translation analysis as performed here is an excellent tool for identifying which parts of a roast might be responsible for observed differences in flavor among different batches of the same coffee.

Additionally, there have been CSS modifications to fix minor rendering errors with Safari on Mac.

1.1.1 - Bug Fix


Fixes an issue with Typica XML import.

1.1.0 - TSV, Layer Duplication, Sampling and Rate Modes


CRUCS has been updated to version 1.1.0.

Notable Features

• TSV (Tab Separated Values) Import is now available through the same controls as were used for CSV (Comma Separated Values) import. There are a lot of these sorts of delimited text files for data transfer out in the wild (the window that comes up when you try to import these into most spreadsheet programs shows just how messy this is), but rather than show all of those options and try to have something as general as possible, my preference is to focus on variations presently in use. If you have this kind of data from other logging software that you'd like to use in CRUCS, let me know if that's not working for you (preferably with an example file that I can use for testing) and I'll see about getting that into the next update. The addition of TSV is motivated by better interoperability with exports from Artisan.

• Layer Duplication allows making a copy of a data series, making it easier to edit a plan while still retaining the ability to compare with the plan you started from.

• New Sampling Modes are now available. In addition to no sampling (None) and automatic sampling available in the previous version, Regular Time and Temperature Change modes have been added. Regular Time samples at whatever regular interval you want (for example, setting this to 1:00 would sample imported data every minute) while Temperature Change looks for differences exceeding a given amount (for example, every time the temperature changes by at least 50 degrees). These new modes may be more useful especially when working with lower quality data logging hardware.

• A new Rate of Change calculation mode is now available. The old Secant mode now has a parameter that can be used to determine how far back in the roast to look when calculating the rate of change value while the new Windowed Regression mode uses several values to calculate rate. Setting these to match how rate is calculated in your data logger will make the rate of change data easier to use when following a plan.

• The sidebar in the About menu now contains links to new Articles and Tutorials sections. Learn more about CRUCS and how it can be used for a variety of purposes.

CRUCS 1.0.0 Released


I'm happy to announce the initial public release of CRUCS, a tool for creating profile coffee roasting plans. Try it now.

Notable Features

• The mathematics under the hood make it simple to create realistic and easy to follow plans with only a few points.

• It's just a web page. There's nothing to install. Calculations are all done by your browser so once you have the page loaded this will work without a connection to the Internet and your roasting plans are never sent to me.

• Import and export data in CSV or Typica XML formats. Load real data as a starting point, make the changes you want to see, and save your new plan to reference while you roast.

• Print roasting plans on paper with ample space to write in measurements and observations taken at the roaster or on the cupping table.

• Free to use or pay what you want.